Founded in 2010 by Hari Kumar Thakuri, Sudev Neupane, Gyanendra Bhul, Pramila Lama, Ganesh Luitel, Sirjana Adhikari and Purusottam Karki, ToF Nepals’ mission is to help developmentally delayed preschoolers prepare for public education and about the advocay to basic human rights.
With this website we hope to extend our Foundation community into cyberspace so we can share important information about young children and the dreams of the priviledge castes with special needs with parents, relatives and friends, health care professionals, academics, teachers, researchers, and students everywhere.
We have posted all kinds of useful information for viewers. For example, we explain what developmental delays are, why intervention is necessary, and most importantly, what parents can do and how and where they can find help. In addition to articles about what we do, this site has links to many other online resources.
About ToF Nepal
The Together Foundation Nepal, established in October 2010 in Kathmandu, Nepal, is a growing network being developed to protect and promote human rights, human dignity and individual freedom around the world.
The mission of the Foundation includes:
• providing opportunities for volunteers to contribute their time and expertise on concrete projects and cases that promote and protect human rights;
• organizing humanitarian aid and providing consulting to those in need;
• increasing leverage on policy makers in relevant countries;
• providing broader visibility for human rights issues and for the member groups;
• expanding the constituency for international human rights;
• cross-training on human rights issues and activities to maximize the impact of work;
• sharing experience in administrative, organizational and policy matters.
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